When Danny requested a Musketeer birthday party, I was a little unsure of what to do. Most child appropriate Musketeer gear is related to the Barbie Musketeer movie. Matt made it clear that Danny was not allowed to have a Barbie party. So I did a little more research, and Danny found a Mickey Mouse Musketeer movie that gave us a little more inspiration, and with a lot of help from Grandma Billings (my brother-in-laws parents who live very close and we've adopted), we had ourselves a grand Musketeer celebration.
When the guests arrived, they were greeted by King Matt, who took them downstairs to decorate their Musketeer capes (handmade by Grandma Billings) and begin practicing their sword fighting (I decided the inflatable swords from Oriental Trading would be the safest option with that many kiddos). They got to watch a clip from the
Mickey Mouse Musketeer movieand then practice their skills with King Matt. You can see the simple decorations in the background- just paper banners with a fleur de lis printed on them.

After all their practice, they went upstairs to the banquet hall for a grand feast. Instead of silverware, I got some of those sword toothpicks at a party store. The boys thought it was so fun to eat with swords! We kept it simple - IKEA meatballs, cheese squares, grapes, lil' smokies, carrot sticks, and chips. The castle cake made a nice centerpiece for the feast. Danny and I looked at castle cake ideas online, but cakes are always harder than I think they will be and I just don't have much practice, so they never turn out nearly as well as I imagine in my head. It was really fun to do nonetheless.

So this is where the party got really fun. The boys were told before it was time to eat cake, they should go downstairs to receive rewards for all their training and work. When they got downstairs, King Matt was shocked to discover his treasure, and all of Danny's birthday presents, had been stolen. The new Musketeers got on their shoes and jackets and followed King Matt outside to find the bandit.
The bandit, was our good family friend Will. Since moving into the ward here, Danny has LOVED Will and looked up to him like a big brother. Will always looks out for Danny too and despite their 8 year age difference, he is always a good friend to Danny.
So Bandit Will ran ahead with the treasure, dropping clues (gold coins) along a wooded trail near our house. King Matt & the Musketeers followed in hot pursuit.
Meanwhile, Grandma Billings, Kaylee, and I drove the presents (yep, I'd stolen those) and cake over to a nearby park, where the trail led. We arrived just in time to set things up and get a little footage of the Musketeers catching the bandit. Bandit Will was such a good sport and the boys were so excited to find the presents & treasure hiding in the playground equipment.
We opened presents, ate cake, and then sent the Musketeers home for some rest. All for one and one for all!

That is so cute! Carrie, you are so creative. You have a nack for throwing good parties. But, I have to ask, did Matt volunteer to be king Arthur or did you have to twist his arm?
Wow Carrie! I'm impressed. What a fun mom and dad Danny has. Lucky kid!
What a fun party! I was a willing volunteer for the part of the King - though I understand that I am pretty much required to volunteer for anything assigned to me birthday party related.
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