Danny's first birthday party was a success. We ended up a huge group. . . when I was sending the invitations to baby friends I guess I wasn't picturing how much space that would take up in our house. 22 adults and 14 kids - all under age 6. But it is nice to know we have a lot of support for Danny and we had a good time amidst the chaos. Danny had fun playing with the helium balloons and bubbles. The pinata was made by his cousin Leah, and the big kids really like that. We had a feast of pizza and salad. Danny ate applesauce and a jar of baby food right before his party, but he still enjoyed grazing off of other people's plates. Classic - we waited until literally 5 minutes before the party to put him in his fun birthday outfit and 4 minutes later he spit up all over it. Alex helped to make the chocolate cupcakes, which Danny LOVED. He was so sad when

I took him to the bath to wash off the frosting. I think he wanted to sleep with a chocolatey face. I made the pumpkin cake for more adult tastes and fortunately it was tastier than the odd peach color made it look. Opening presents was funny because a

fter the first one Danny kept crawling away. We tried to get a good picture of him opening grandparent presents, but the 2 y

ear old age group was much more excited about what was being unwrapped. Danny has been enjoying the various ball poppers and chutes he got - especially the stand up one from Billings. Grandma Hong sent Danny the pumpkin hat, which he looks adorable in, but just likes to pull off his head. This could be trouble for his Halloween costume, which includes a hat. After the 1 1/2 hours of party, Danny and mom and dad were exhausted. Only 362 days un

til he's 2. Maybe we'll wait 'til he's 3 for another party.