Though she's wiggly, I find I get far more cute pictures of Kaylee. When I try to take a picture of Danny he usually does this.

Or this.

Or maybe this.

Fortunately, there is a mom at Danny's preschool who is able to capture him when I never can. Rarely smiling, but always focused on the task at hand.

Recently Danny was the VIP (Very Important Preschooler) at school and I was reminded how special this guy is. Our scanner's down, so I can't share his pictures, but I can share a few of his answers.

Favorite food ... popcorn.
Favorite book ... Pirate I Spy.
I like to wear my... Star Wars Shirt.
This is my family (cute picture he drew with the whole crew - including beagles). I love them because...they give me hugs, kisses, and licks.
My favorite place to go is... camping. I like to go here because...I like roasting marshmallows and eating hotdogs.
When I grow up I want to be a ... musketeer.
He loves playing pretend - cowboys, star wars, fire fighters, pirates, knights. He's getting better at doing his chores independently, but still loves a snuggle at bedtime. He's finally sleeping through the night (knock on wood), and he loves stories - books or one's his dad and he make up together. His energy level exhausts me, but his curiosity for the world around him is exhilarating.
Recently after a trip to Costco, Danny wanted to carry the receipt. Because they don't bag your groceries (how could you bag those enormous bulk sizes!?) an employee checks your receipt on the way out to verify you've purchased everything in your cart. Often, the employee will draw a flower or smiley face for Danny. On this particular day, the employee just did the usual. Glanced at the receipt, glanced at the cart, and drew a huge line through the receipt. I thought Danny would be disappointed, but no. He was beaming.
"Mom!! Look! He drew me a light saber!"

Love this guy!!