Although it's almost May, I'm still wearing sweaters nearly every day. For my morning runs I wear ear warmers and gloves. Even when I'm inside I put on a sweater which I now refer to as my Mr.Roger's sweater. I walk in, take off my jacket, and put on my sweater. Today in rebellion I wore flip flops, despite the 40-something temperatures. And now, as I type, I have our little space heater going full blast to warm my hands. SPRING, WHERE ARE YOU?
At this point I'd be content to skip right into summer. Luckily we'll be able to get plenty of heat on our trip to Florida next week. We are so excited to see family & take the kiddos to Disney World. And that 80+ degree weather will feel pretty great.
We haven't let the chilly weather hamper our festivities though.
In Mid-March we were spoiled with a quick visit from G-Pops & Grandma Angie.

For St.Patrick's Day we feasted on corned beef & cabbage, (Root)beer, a clover crescent roll, gold coins (rolos) & green pudding parfaits. The evening ended with Danny & Dad having a good ol' fashion Irish brawl. And I regret not taking a picture of Kaylee's leprauchan charm before her nap. I suppose the bedhead & slimy face are pretty accurate though.

The week before Easter we were blessed with a beautifully sunny day for our playgroup's egg hunt.

Easter weekend we drove to Richland to visit my brother Aaron and my parents. We enjoyed sunshine, the movie
Hop (the company and the outing exceeded the movie itself), a Tri-City Fever indoor football game, a 16.25 mile run (Matt & I are training for another marathon), dyeing eggs, hunting for eggs, and feasting. Totally missed the classic "Easter Sunday" pictures in their cute new duds. I guess I forgot since their duds weren't actually new this year.

It's always fun to visit my parent's ward and hear them sing in the choir. Though none of the lessons on Sunday were focused on Easter, the spirit was strong in each and I was able to feel a renewed gratitude for my Savior. As I've prepared this week for my YW lesson, I found this quote from Pres. Uchtdorf.
Individual and collective trials may sometimes seem overwhelming. That is when we need, more than ever, to draw near unto the Lord. As we do, we will come to know what it means to have the Lord draw near unto us. As we seek Him ever more diligently, we will surely find Him. We will see clearly that the Lord does not abandon His Church or His faithful Saints. Our eyes will be opened, and we will see Him open the windows of heaven and shower us with more of His light.
I have become particularly familiar with "showers" this spring (go figure . . . Seattle has rain), so I love the imagery of Him showering us with His light. Yes it's been cold & dreary & gray & wet. But this spring I have so much to be grateful for. Bring on the showers.