This year Danny was an "airpane stick man." Not the pilot, or an airplane, but the groundcrew man who guides the planes in with two orange "airpane sticks." This obsession comes from two things. First, Danny's favorite book -
Five Trucks about the people and trucks who get the airplane ready. Second, from many trips to airports and many flights on airplanes. One time we got to our gate just as the man was guiding in a plane. Danny was mesmerized as the man gracefully maneuvered his sticks and brought the plane closer and closer simply by a wave of the arms. When the plane stopped, Danny gave the man a standing ovation. I wish he could have seen how happy he'd made that little boy.

Now, on walks Danny will pick up sticks and use them as his "airpane sticks" to guide in the planes flying overhead. Anything orange and stick-like (crayons, pumpkin straws, markers) becomes an "airpane stick" and we play a game where the toy airplane has to reach the sticks. The costume was a natural fit.
A friend of mine (Thanks Lineti) gave me her husband's actual airport gear - a vest, Continental shirt, and REAL airplane sticks! Truthfully, I don't know the actual name for either the man or the sticks . . . in our house it has always been "airplane sticks" and "airplane stick man." Anyway, Lineti gave us the things and then my friend Terri (seamstress extraordinaire) sized the vest down for Danny.
Every airplane stick man needs a runway, so that's what I was. Turns out I know little about runways - the yellow and blue lights do not go together or planes would crash. And, planes go down the center, not on the side like cars. (Thanks pilot Shelley for your correct info.) Also turns out real reflective vests make it tough to take pictures! We quickly learned the flash needed to be off.

Here Danny is guiding in the plane - "Doo Doo Doo."

Truthfully I wasn't as excited about this year's costume as last year's
beagle costume. It wasn't as cute, and most people thought he was a construction worker. When we went outside for the ward trunk or treat though, our little airplane stick man was all business. And I'm not talking about the candy.
Danny tried guiding in all the real jumbo jets as they flew overhead. "Doo doo doo." Then he would chase them as they flew onward to the airport. "Bye bye airpane!" We had to keep a close eye on him because even when most people were leaving the ward party in their cars, Danny was still running around the parking lot chasing planes. Sometimes, he would put the sticks down and try to call the airplane over. "Come, come, come airpane." This is a kid with a dream.
So that's the Hong's Halloween. And that is our "airpane stick man".