One of the best things about having a 4th of July baby is that the hospital has been SO quiet. Apparently most people don't schedule inductions or C-Sections around a holiday. With Danny's birth I have memories of nurses, doctors, salespeople (pictures), and NOISE constantly bombarding our room. However with Kaylee there's been lots of quiet uninterrupted time to just bond and enjoy her.

We did have a few visitors to make things interesting.

Mindy, Uncle Rex, and Aunt Anne all dropped by. Sadly due to new security rules, only siblings are allowed to visit so Kaylee will have to wait to meet her Houston cousins.

If you click on the picture of Anne and Kaylee you can get a good idea of what her hair looks like.
We thought it was pretty funny that she was toting a PAID sign around in her bassinet. I guess we'll be allowed to take her home after all.

I caught this video of Kaylee with hiccups. I know we're biased, but something about baby hiccups and yawns is pretty precious. I'm glad I got some good shots before today when she's managed to scratch her face up pretty good. Those cursed sharp baby nails!
It's so hard to believe we have a little baby again. We're already realizing that with two it's going to be a whole new dance, but we're looking forward to the adventure.