Hooray for finally feeling settled. The last 4 months have been a whirlwind and its wonderful to finally feel some sense of normalcy in our lives again. Here are a few highlights of our family being on the move . . .

This was an AWESOME first house. The For Sale sign is still there . . . any buyers? It is actually off the market at the moment due to some unexpected fridge malfunction and flooding. 4 inches of standing water! Hopefully now when it is advertised with new carpet and paint throughout the first floor it will sell very quickly.

It is absolutely shocking to see how much stuff you actually own when it is piled up in boxes. We thought we'd done a good job thinning down . . . but WOW! This picture was taken early in the packing process - by the time the packers were done the whole house was full of boxes.

Danny and Brenna were pretty excited about the moving truck on Moving Day 1. There were a few complications that delayed the actual truck loading and stretched out the process longer than we anticipated. In the end all our furniture arrived unscathed though and the company gave us $500 back for the headaches they caused.
Our new house is GREAT! The neighbors are friendly, the woods are beautiful, and the location couldn't be better. We are in walking distance to a community center and library, about 5 minutes to the temple, and nearly everything else within a 10 minute drive. Matt has the shortest commute he's had in 5 years and we are loving it. My only complaints - the nearest Wal-Mart is now a staggering 20 minute drive away (probably better for the wallet) and no Chic-Fil-A. I'll try to take some interior pictures of the house soon.

Since Kaylee got RSV right before the move, we decided to ship her in the truck. Luckily she arrived all smiles.

Actually, the kids and I ended up flying to Seattle while my dad drove our car up solo. THANKS DAD!
Although the unpacking has been quite a chore, Danny has found lots of ways to entertain himself with all the boxes and paper.

Thanks to Mom Couch for coming to help with all the unpacking. We are LOVING Seattle!

The whole process of moving seemed to really inspire 6-month-old Kaylee who is really on the move herself.
More posts to come soon!