We still think of her as our baby, but she's been in panties over a year, sleeps in a big bed, and negotiates like a teenager. She is sassy, stubborn, and independent, but equally sweet, snuggly, and fun. Her fearlessness keeps us on our toes, but is a joy to watch, and she has unwavering determination, always doing things "by myself," usually in her own unique way.
This year, we decided to have a friend party for Kaylee's 3rd birthday. She chose a Mickey Mouse theme and I promptly found this blog. Hooray for people willing to share their great ideas! We certainly had fun Mickey Mouse bowling, playing 'Who Has Mickey?' coloring Mickey pictures, Mousekercising, and eating Mickey Mouse chicken nuggets followed by Mickey cupcakes.
On Kaylee's actual birthday, we were spoiled to have grandparents and cousins visiting. With a 4th of July birthday, Kaylee is going to have to put up with excessive red, white, and blue her entire life. Then again, she also has fireworks for her birthday every single year.
We feasted on Jello parfaits, blue and white chips with red salsa, veggies & ranch, watermelon, and (not pictured) wings, hot dogs, & corn on the cob. Yum.
There were more Mickey Mouse cupcakes and hats, along with "Who has the Mickey," a cake walk with Mickey characters (and stickers instead of cake), a treasure hunt, and gift opening. 
And here is our big girl. Her hair is a mess because she wanted to do it herself. She is sitting with her cousins, the big kids, with no concern or awareness of mom and dad. And she is so focused on the task at hand, eating dad's chicken wings, that there is no pausing for smiley pictures. Our baby, is not a baby anymore.
We love you Kaylee LaRue!