Last year when we were looking at cars after Matt's 96 Toyota Corolla died, we considered buying a mini-van. Instead, we opted for a
Volkswagen GTI to help make Matt's miserable commute a little more tolerable. We knew we would want a mini-van in the next few years, but didn't realize how soon. Our move to Washington has decreased the amount of air travel we've been doing, but has significantly increased our car travel (except, ironically, for Matt who now enjoys a mere 10 minute commute each way in his luxurious GTI).
Easter weekend, we decided to take the beagles with us to Richland. The Honda Accord had been fine for previous drives to Idaho and Richland, but this was our first trip with two kids, two dogs, and two adults. On the way there, Daisy and Dozer spent the entire 3 hour drive on my lap in the front seat. Beagles are not meant to be lap dogs . . . especially not in pairs. For the return trip, I opted to give up my seat to the dogs and squish between the car seats in the back. Despite hours of meticulous vacuuming, dog hair still stuck to our black fabric seats.
And so, with many road trips planned for this summer already, it was time. Though we shopped and made decisions together, Matt surprised me by finalizing the trade in for a van while I was away in Richland for a few days (Without the dogs. I can only handle so much car vacuuming in a month).

As Matt put it, "I don't feel old because we own a mini-van. I feel old because we're so excited about owning it." And we definitely are. I LOVE our new Slate Green Odyssey.
We gave it (still working on a name . . . any suggestions?) its first real test drive on Mother's Day. After a luxurious afternoon nap, we loaded up the family and a picnic dinner. Look at all that space!! Room for everyone.

We drove north to
Camano Island and enjoyed a quiet picnic on the rocky beach. It was so peaceful to walk along the deserted beach hand in hand with those I love. Nothing says Happy Mother's Day like a baby trying to eat sand instead of sandwiches and a little boy squealing with excitement about every piece of driftwood or shell he can add to his collection.

How humbling to look around at all of God's incredible creations - the mountains, sea, forests - and then at two of his most precious - Danny, Kaylee. He has entrusted me to help Him with those two little ones. Wow.

Hope everyone else out there had a wonderful Mother's Day as well. Happy driving.