Thursday, November 04, 2010


I like to read, but I've never considered myself a reader. While Matt can devour a book in a night, it takes me weeks. I consistently go to book clubs having at least 1/4 of the book left to read. Recently I was pondering why this is. Perhaps it's because I typically don't pick up my book to read until I'm curling up in bed. By then I'm already so tired I don't last more than a few pages. My other favorite reading time is in the afternoon, during nap time (or quiet time for Danny). Again, this peaceful, quiet time also ends in me snoozing, rather than plowing through my latest read. I know though, that many of you are avid readers despite having young children and busy lives. My question - when do you make time to read? My two latest reads (both for book club) are Three Cups of Tea and Frankenstein. I'm enjoying both, but, I confess, not done with either. I did, however, finally complete Wild Swans, a book I started in 2000 when I was teaching English in China. It was a great read, even if it did take me 10 years.

Recently I have ventured into reading chapter books with Danny. He received Pirates Past Noon from The Magic Tree House series as a gift for his birthday. He LOVED it and was so excited to have me read the next chapter and the next. For anyone making the transition from picture books to longer books, this is an excellent series to start with. We've checked two more Magic Tree House books out from the library and Danny can't get enough of them. After finishing another chapter yesterday we had the following conversation.

"Mom. I wish my room would spin around."

"Like the tree house in the book?"

"Yeah. And then it would take me places."

"If your room spun around like the magic tree house, where would you want it to take you?"

"Somewhere really cool. Like Africa. Or McDonalds."

The Magic Tree House books have also been a boost to my reading self-esteem . . . Danny and I have quickly finished every one that we've started.


Heather said...

We've LOVED magic tree house over here and just finished #44 the most recently published. Glad to hear you're making headway into the wonderful world of read-alouds.

LaRue said...

Way to go, Mama! I'm impressed that Danny is already into chapter books and as Matt's mom you might guess that I am not easily impressed! Do you have "The Read Aloud Handbook" by Jim Trealese? Excellent source for books. There is a website called that has good suggestions and role models (as if Danny needs one) I found it much easier to read when I was single:) I remember Jenny used to get up in the night and hide out in the bath room to read.

M said...

This probably won't work for you, but I like to read early in the morning (before Sam wakes up). I know you usually exercise in the morning, though, which is probably a healthier activity. :)

Too bad you don't have a more sedentary lifestyle, Carrie. Then you'd have plenty of time to sit around and read!

Leslie said...

I read a lot, it is the only hobby I have left. I read while I nurse my baby, I read while I eat breakfast and lunch, a page or two here and there through out the day, and then, like you, I read just before bed. Jacob loves the Magic Tree House books too.

KWit said...

lol I loved how he brought McDonald's into the cool place to be. We sure thought of him when we went to a black light Pirate Mini-golfing was super cool! I'm with you on the reading. I don't understand how people get so much read and live life too... And I must admit I'm not really a sink into a book kind of person. I think it's more cause with my personality I'd rather be outside.... or naping sounds good too!! Good luck and I'm sure Danny will keep you on track!