Monday, November 01, 2010


Our Halloween Weekend began with a Western themed Murder Mystery Party on Friday. Our friends who hosted went all out! Because Matt was getting home that night from a business trip, and we were concerned about arriving late, neither of us were assigned specific characters. Matt, however, figured out one of the most important clues to solving the mystery. Matt did look handsome in the cowboy hat and of course I love any excuse to where my hair in pigtails. It was a fantastic night of food, laughter, & fun.

On Saturday, we had a leisurely day with my parents, who had come to visit and babysit during our Murder Mystery Party. Later that night, we got dressed up for the ward trunk or treat. Cowgirl Grandma, two butterflies, Cap'n Danny, Karate Kid, and Grandpa Wizard. Excuse the AWFUL picture (awful referring to the blurriness, not the people). Our scanner is broken, so I attempted to take a photo of a photo. Bad idea. Danny insisted Grandma had a rope, but was disappointed she didn't have any rifles. Matt's Karate Kid costume was created for an 80s party we went to a few weeks ago. Grandpa's wizard wand was most impressive. He'd glued a light up bouncy ball on the end, so when he hit his staff on the ground, the ball lit up. The kids loved it. Danny played the role of pirate quite well after wearing his costume over a dozen times and practicing at his birthday party. The highlight of our costumes was little Kaylee butterfly. Last Halloween she couldn't even sit up on her own. This year the only thing slowing her down was her wings.

Kaylee quickly caught on to the concept of trick or treating and loved every minute of it.

Well . . . maybe not every minute.

It's hard to believe how fast this little one is growing!


Bryan said...

Hello CARRIE! I was thinking about you today! I just miss you a lot and I am glad that for a breif time I knew you. Your family is darling and I love reading your blog from time to time. I hope you know you are missed and you are a pretty amazing mom, wife, and friend:) Mary Jane

LaRue said...

Wish I could send that little butterfly a treat. What a great Halloween. Less than 3 weeks left!