Wednesday, May 03, 2017

A Perfect Day at Hampton Court Palace

Life goes by day by day by day.  There are wonderful moments, but there is also a lot of hard work and hard stuff.  Even just the monotony and drudgery of day to day tasks can be challenging.  But once in a while you are blessed with not just a wonderful moment, but a glorious, perfectly wonderful day. 

Hampton Court Palace was one of those days.  Matt left from the house to run to the palace and meet us there.  The rest of us (including Calie and Isaac) were able to get out the door on time and make it to the Palace right when it opened.  Matt arrived shortly after.  To our delight and surprise, there was an egg hunt of sorts – a scavenger hunt for chocolate bunnies around the palace – that made the visit even more fun for the children.  We saw a play in the great hall portraying the life of Henry VIII that gave us a bit more history on the palace and we all learned something new exploring the different rooms and passageways.  James was smiley and cheerful and really loved clapping along during a musical number.  We picnicked in one of the gardens, enjoying the perfect sunny weather – not too hot and not too cold.  The kids played tag with cousin Isaac and James picked and ate grass.  Matt and I took all the kids to the Magic Playground where there was a huge slide and tunnels and a sand pit.  The spring sunshine had everyone in good spirits – not just our family – so there was smiles and laughter and joyful chatter all around.  We got ice cream and relaxed in the grass.  At one point during the day Matt said something along the lines of, “These are the kind of days we live for.”  As the afternoon wore on we wandered to the gardens behind the palace.  I found a bench to nurse James and Matt took the kids to explore beyond the fountain.  I watched as they wandered through the gardens, chased each other, and then settled in for a game of duck, duck goose.  My heart was filled to overflowing with love for those people – Matt, Danny, Kaylee, Abby Jo, and James – that I get to share eternity with.  What a happy, happy day it was. 

Gift shop shenanigans, Abby Jo eating fruit snacks in the Great Hall, and success finding chocolate bunnies.

Beautifully manicured gardens and happy smiles. 

Ice Cream for the win!

My view from the bench where I nursed James, watching my family play in the distance.

Duck, duck, goose - Matt is in the blue shirt.

Beautiful palace and beautiful blue skies.

I loved this long tunnel.

The flowers were all popping with bright colors.

More beautiful gardens.

A fantastic day trip with Isaac and Calie. 
*Fortunately the happiness of the perfect day helped carry us through the unexpected evening traffic that made our drive home nearly twice as long as planned.  London traffic can be a beast, particularly after a Rugby match lets out.   

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