So the other day I got a random catalog in the mail. I found myself leafing through every page as I nursed Kaylee. It was hilarious to see the vast assortment of . . . I don't even know what to call it. Junk? Clutter? In this same catalog I could find hair volumizing inserts, a giant cupcake pan, NASCAR collectible crystal cars, lighted garland for your computer monitor, magnetic art for your dishwasher (that covers the whole dishwasher), and plus size fleece coats. Not to mention the Santa's Pants Treat Bags, the attitude onesies that have such revolting phrases as "I'm too sexy for my diaper" and "Does this diaper make my butt look BIG?", and my personal favorite item - the TV Show ALF on DVD. Now here's the worst part of the whole catalog . . . I actually have about a dozen pages ear tagged in it with things I thought I might like. EEEK! Don't worry, I think the things I liked were OK. I think.
On a similar note, this year I turned 28. Matt and family helped create a wonderful birthday with a delicious dinner, cake, treasure hunt, and perfect gifts. I'd had my eye on them for a while and was thrilled to finally get them . . . a new trash can and an entire new set of matching, stackable tupperware. Wow . . . I really am a nerd.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Smile Practice Part Two
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Smile Practice Part One
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Kaylee LaRue
So, here are a few things I don't want to forget about our 6 week baby girl!
She loves the bjorn. And thank goodness . . . she loves to ride on walks, at the mall, or around the house while I vacuum.
- Her love of the mobile on her changing table. She fusses if the music stops!
- She is such a tummy girl . . . I felt like such a bad mom letting her sleep on her tummy at first. But my mom reassured me that used to be the norm. And I decided if it adds 45 minutes to every nap that it's worth it!
- Her strong, strong arms and legs - since birth! She was always working them out by kicking and punching me before she came out, so now they're extremely strong!
- She's so patient with big bows and big brother.
- Unlike big brother, Kaylee is not a pacifier kinda girl. She will take one, but definitely prefers her fingers or fist. Unfortunately her lack of coordination can make this a little awkward a times. One time she sucked her little fist until it was all red. What causes the most frustration is when she is trying to suck on her fingers, but then those other fingers scratch up her face! Why can't that little body cooperate yet? She gets so mad.
- Kaylee is anything BUT ladylike with her bodily functions. She is a noisy, grunty eater and digester through the whole process. She does love a clean diaper though . . . may that last through potty training!
- She is a SUPER eater. She surpassed her birth weight by 6 oz after only 6 days. That's my girl! We're hoping she doesn't pass Danny . . . he's only gained about 6 oz. in the last year!
- When she sleeps (which she is steadily improving on) she is a sweet, sweet sleeper.
- Stay tuned for the next post . . . smile practice!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Big Boy
I just love Danny's age right now. 2 3/4 is so much fun! For every frustration and mishap it seems there is also a new accomplishment or feat. Danny is independent as can be, and yet he still wants a snuggle every night at bedtime. He'll get so mad or sad when he is sent to time out, but then he forgives and forgets so quickly. He is just full of questions and energy and life. Here are a few things, for better or worse, that I don't want to forget about my growing boy. They are in no particular order, and it gets a little long, so you can just skip the reading and enjoy the photos if you want.
- How rubbing blue dogs ears seems to make everything feel better.
His obsession with straws, pencils, knives, and chopsticks - he carries one around at all times and says it is his weapon.
- How he recently started to transform his weapons into instruments as well. "My violin mom." He then sings me his rendition of Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star while tucking a straw under his chin and using his knife as a bow.
- Prayers - "Bless us have a good day, bless daddy at work, bless mommy daddy at the temple . . . " And sometimes his prayers become like a stuck record repeating two phrases over and over and over. "Bless us have a good day. In the name of Jesus Christ. Bless us have a good day. In the name of Jesus Christ." We've probably had 5 or 6 FHEs about how to say prayers, but sometimes the little guy still gets stuck.
- His dance moves.
- His potty successes and failures. Well, maybe I do want to forget the failures. :)
- No matter how many times he gets out of bed and we sternly put him back to bed during the night, he always wakes up so cheerfully. "Is it happy time?"
- He's started learning to "read" stories to Matt and I. One of his favorites is The Hungry Caterpillar.
- "Hold me Mommy." "Stay with me Daddy."
He's become even more independent with the arrival of a baby sister. When I don't respond quickly enough to his pleas for a drink of juice, he opens the fridge himself and then chugs right from the carton.
- Dad's "chocolate medicine" (British Smarties) is a cure-all.
- Every single day when Danny hears the garage door open he runs and hides in the same spot to surprise Dad. Matt still pretends he can't find him. And every time Danny is equally delighted.
- His recent obsession with fighting off giant dragons in our front yard. So glad to know our home is safe!
- He really likes the book Pollyanna, but after recently watching the movie from the library he told me his favorite part was when she falls. Not too sure about this . . .
- Danny LOVES his nursery leader, Sis. Bonnie, and the story time librarian, Miss Nancy. If either is absent we certainly hear about it.
After a trip to NASA with Grandma Hong, Danny decided he wants to be an astronaut when he grows up. He now tells us how astronauts must be strong and smart.
- We don't let Danny watch any violent cartoons and haven't owned many weapons, but it is clearly futile because we read from the Book of Mormon picture scriptures every night. Danny chooses the story and always wants to find the "fighting" ones. He seems to think the gospel is all about fighting the bad guys . . . which maybe it is. We've recently switched to the New Testament pictures scriptures.
- Every night Danny insists we look to his ceiling when he turns out the lamp so when can see the "night sky" - his glow in the dark stars.
- If Color, the imaginary monkey, sleeps with Danny, he usually sleeps better.
- How much he loves to help spray the dishes . . . and sink and himself.
- His obsession with Star Wars even though he's never seen any of the movies. He recently expressed interest in having a Star Wars fighting theme for his 3rd birthday.
- After a recent family birthday celebration Danny started requesting to sing the Happy Birthday song at bedtime. Each time the song ended with a blow . . . to blow out the candles.
- A few weeks before Kaylee was born we were out for a family walk. He got tired and wanted to be carried the rest of the way home. "Mom, please carry me." "Sorry, but I can't right now. Dad will have to." "No, mom." "I'm carrying baby sister in my tummy, so I can't carry you." "Take her out."
- The first time he made it up the Chic-Fil-A play area climbing thing by himself - I almost cried I was so proud.
- No matter how exhausted I feel after a busy day, Danny still has tons of energy.
Saturday, August 08, 2009
All by myself . . .
Thursday we bid farewell to the last of our company. It was so wonderful to have visitors all month long to keep me company and help out so much with Danny and Kaylee. Matt has been especially busy at work the last few weeks, so I don't know what I would have done without Grandmas and Grandpa around! Thank you. I'm happy to report I survived my first two days all by myself with Kaylee and Danny. We even managed a trip to the library . . . barely. I look forward to settling into more of a routine, but for now I'm grateful for Caillou and Dora the Explorer.
Grandma Hong meets Kaylee for the first time.

Sharing some sleepy time. . .
and some happy, awake time.

Sharing some sleepy time. . .

and some happy, awake time.

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