Another great find at Pike Place Market - thanks Matt!
Following a tradition my family had while I was growing up, we made and opened
Valentine bags to celebrate the day of love.

I'm really enjoying Danny's memory and enthusiasm for traditions now that he is getting older. He had a great time creating pirate Valentine's because hey, nothing says "I love you" quite like cannonballs and a skull. As evidenced in the previous post, pirates are his current obsession.

Kaylee particularly enjoyed a Mounds candy bar she got her hands on. Truth be told, I actually gave it to her to play with in the car. Unbeknownst to me, she wasn't just entertained by the sounds of the wrapper though. Her new razor sharp teeth sliced the teeniest hole in the packaging. I thought Kaylee was just chewing a noisy wrapper to her hearts content, but she was actually sucking the chocolatey goodness right out of the hole she'd created. No wonder she was so intent on keeping the candy bar and so furious when I took it away! Now that she's tasted chocolate, I can probably forget about the mashed up peas and green beans forever.

1 comment:
How cute. I love the bags. I think we might have to make a new tradition! And hehe to a girl who has a taste for Chocolate! That is a dangerous thing to us for sure and especially you at such a young age :)
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