Wednesday, October 27, 2010


After a 7 year hiatus from Fall (Houston does not have Fall) I am savoring every moment of it this year. Here are the top 5 things I have missed, and love, about my favorite season.

5. Crisp, chilly weather perfect for a walk through crunchy leaves.
4. The smell & taste of fresh, steaming hot Washington apple cider as it fills me with warmth on a breezy afternoon.
3. Wearing sweaters & scarves.
2. Searching for that perfect pumpkin in a real pumpkin patch with a nose running from chilliness rather than sweat running down my face from the heat.

Font sizeCarving at Danny's preschool celebration.

1. Quilts of colors in the trees. Just look at our front yard.
How I have missed you Fall! Please stay a little longer.


Jana said...

Chilly and crisp!? Lucky. It was 91 degrees at playgroup yesterday... don't you miss us! ;)

LaRue said...

Such a serious little artist! Love the pirate pumpkin! Sweet Kaylee looks like she is enjoying life! Love and miss you all. Granny