Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Little Helper

It's so nice to have a little helper, even if his willing helpfulness usually creates more work for me. For now I'm trying to appreciate that willing attitude since I know it probably won't last forever. Here Danny is helping me set the table. I put the placemats and plates. Danny put the crinkled napkins and silverware. The napkins were not crinkled to begin with. Notice in the picture he is placing one of the forks at the far end of the table. Perhaps for an unexpected guest? He also likes to help load and unload the dishwasher and take the lint out of the dryer. His favorite "chore" is still helping to feed the dogs. Usually he sneaks a piece of the dog food for himself. Who knew dog food could be such a scrumptious toddler snack. What are your little helpers favorite chores?

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