It's no Eastern Idaho State Fair, but the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo is pretty fun. This was the first year we haven't gone to the actual Rodeo and a concert. In the past we've been able to see Bon Jovi, Amy Grant, Martina McBride, Rascal Flatts, and someone else I can't remember. The concerts are tons of fun, but this year we just headed down for the animals, food, and carnival rides. Danny had a blast!! Here he's learning about the process of farm to market.

At the end he traded all his goods in for money at the farmer's market, then purchased some real apple juice and raisins at the store. He enjoyed this display so much that we went through it twice.

I witnessed my first pig races, which were quite exciting, and we also ate some tasty (cowboy burritos, cinnamon rolls, corn on the cob) and not so tasty (chicken fried bacon) food. We did not find anywhere to buy teriyaki chicken, ham fried rice, or egg rolls. Maybe the Good Wok could do a little expansion. :)
After lots of fun looking at longhorns, chickens, and goats we decided to head back over to the carnival. We bought enough tickets for two rides and Danny chose the ferris wheel and super slide. It's always hard to tell who's having more fun - the big guy or little guy. I sure do love my guys!