We had a fantastic visit with Matt's dad last weekend. Danny was so excited to see his G-Pops and had lots of ideas about what they should do. It had been a few months since Danny saw G-Pops, so we weren't sure if he'd remember him or not, but he definitely did. And, Grandpa brought licorice so Danny warmed up really, really quick!
The two had fun eating popsicles while Matt smoked some ribs. Though we had already eaten dinner, the ribs made a nice late night snack! Grandpa was only able to stay about a day and a half on his way to Dallas, but we still made sure to eat as much as we would have if he'd been here a week. Dim sum at Fung's Kitchen, roast duck & quail from Hong Kong market, TX ribs, tortilla casserole, stir fried veggies, homemade salsa and chips, smoothies for breakfast, tapioca drinks, grapes . . . I'm glad I married into a family who loves good food as much as I do!

Danny also loved playing computer games with G-Pops.

He helped teach Danny about using a mouse, since we just have touch pads. Danny thought it was pretty cool to have some control.
Though Danny didn't mind test driving cars, I think the highlight for him was going golfing. G-Pops is an avid golfer, so we checked out the new golfing range/mini-golf place on Cypresswood Dr. As Danny had been one time before, he remembered what to do. He's still not ready for a real course, but maybe with some more practice.
If putting doesn't get the ball in the hole, try hammering instead.

Lessons from the experts on proper form.

These water holes are pretty tricky!

Can't . . . quite . . . reach!

Forget the club. This water trap is too fun to pass up!
Thanks for an awesome visit G-Pops! We love you!