So for some reason I've always thought my nieces Leah and Sarah were really far apart in age - probably because they've only been together once. At our wedding. As it turns out, they aren't even a full year apart - they'd be in the same primary class at church. Today we dropped Danny off at a sitters and then picked Leah up from school. The three of us headed off to Splashtown to do the big rides. There were NO lines, so we went again and again on all the rides. The girls were so brave and were fearless. They were quickly the best of friends, holding hands between rides and laughing and splashing. They were having such a fun time that they wanted to stick together a little longer. Leah joined us for dinner and then after showers, the girls got in their PJs, snuggled into the "nest," and watched a movie together. Then, when Leah had to go home I said, "Say goodbye, you may not see each other for a long time (like a few years)" And even after their bonding time holding hands at Splashtown and not wanting to be split apart all evening they just said, "Bye. See ya later." No tears, no hugs, no sorrow. The simple, pure friendship of 8 year olds . . . .gotta love it.
(Debbie, don't worry . . . I will fix Sarah's hair tomorrow when we're not having a water-filled day) ;)