Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Rocking Chair

Our friends gave us this little wooden rocking chair. Their son, who is now in 4th grade, had outgrown it long ago and they thought Danny might like it. When Grandma Hong was visiting she helped . . . OK, she did it and I watched . . . redo the cushions on the chair. It's not as kid-looking as it was before, but I kind of like the miniature 'adult' rocking chair and the new fabric on the pillows matches our sofas really well. You can tell Danny has a lot of fun with it! My favorite is when I find him reading a book and rocking in it. That doesn't happen often enough, nor does it last long enough, that I've been able to catch a photo of it. Hopefully soon !

1 comment:

Vagabond Mother said...

Matt, a sister-in-law just sent me a rocking chair too. It needs new cushions and a paint job- a bit overwhelming. I'm glad Danny likes his chair. It seems little furniture is all the rage.